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Are you sure you want to volunteer for this opportunity?
Your account is under review, it will be active in 48 Hr
Your account is under review, it will be active in 48 Hr
Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people registered in the following regions
Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people with a minimum age of 15 years and a maximum age of 60 years
World Heart Day
عذرا, هذه الفرصة متاحة فقط لمتطوعي Anera اذا كنتم أحد المتطوعين المنتسبين لهم, الرجاء الاستمرار في الخطوات التالية:
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Public Speaking, Team Work, Communication, Confidence and Interpersonal Skills.
Have Health Background, and speaks Arabic well.
On 25 September 2023, the team will conduct an online Training for the volunteers who got accepted for this opportunity. On the day of the awareness campaign (29 September 2023), the volunteers will spend 2 hours at Tripoli health and social primary health center giving the awareness session.