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Hand In Hand, We Build A New Hope

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Hand In Hand, We Build A New Hope

Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people registered in the following regions

Hand In Hand, We Build A New Hope

Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people with a minimum age of 15 years and a maximum age of 29 years

Hand In Hand, We Build A New Hope

مشروع حصري

الصليب الأحمر اللبناني قطاع الناشئين والشباب

عذرا, هذه الفرصة متاحة فقط لمتطوعي الصليب الأحمر اللبناني قطاع الناشئين والشباب اذا كنتم أحد المتطوعين المنتسبين لهم, الرجاء الاستمرار في الخطوات التالية:

Hand In Hand, We Build A New Hope
Opportunity location
Residents of the regions
    All regions
Number of Volunteering Hours 4
Volunteer day  2024-06-14
Days Friday
Hours from 15:00 to 19:00

Minimum Age

15 years

Maximum age

29 years

Transportation is not available

Oppunrtunity has been expired

Sustainable Development Goals

Knowledge gained from this opportunity
Determine the challenges to be faced, i.e. the identified societal problems, who is affected and what are the repercussions on society.

This initiative can significantly improve the quality of life of beneficiaries, enhancing their self-confidence and self-esteem, especially in professional or social situations. This initiative also allows beneficiaries to allocate their limited financial resources towards other basic needs such as food, housing, health care, and education. Finally, this event helps raise awareness of issues such as poverty, homelessness, and the need for sustainable living practices. This reflects positively on the role of the volunteer, who develops his sense of responsibility towards his community and the ability to empathize with preserving the dignity of the beneficiary.

Opportunity requirements
Explain the solution offered by the opportunity and how it will address the challenges mentioned in the previous section.

Volunteers must be present in the various departments to assist the beneficiaries

Volunteering Opportunity Plan
It includes an explanation of the activities and steps necessary to implement the opportunity, with an explanation of the time periods and costs for each activity and for the entire opportunity, as providing this information accurately reflects the professionalism of those in charge of the opportunity and their experience in the field of community work.

This activity is a campaign that will last for four hours at Radwan Al-Itawi High School, Al-Marijah, Al-Radouf in the southern suburb of Beirut, and will be open to the public to come in and shop for the clothes they need. This activity will resemble an open bazaar experience, where tables will be set up in a school yard to display all the clothes that will be divided based on age and gender. Upon entry, patrons will receive vouchers to use as currency to exchange for the clothing of their choice. Volunteers are expected to prepare the site one hour before the start of the event. For inquiries, contact the following number: 71271087

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