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Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day

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Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day

Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people registered in the following regions

Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day

Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people with a minimum age of 15 years and a maximum age of 29 years

Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day

مشروع حصري

عيش حب لبنان

عذرا, هذه الفرصة متاحة فقط لمتطوعي عيش حب لبنان اذا كنتم أحد المتطوعين المنتسبين لهم, الرجاء الاستمرار في الخطوات التالية:

Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day
Opportunity location
Residents of the regions
    All regions
Number of Volunteering Hours 4
Volunteer day  2024-09-22
Days Sunday
Hours from 08:00 to 12:00

Minimum Age

15 years

Maximum age

29 years

Transportation is available

  • 46
    Under approval
  • 100
    The required number

Sustainable Development Goals

Knowledge gained from this opportunity
Determine the challenges to be faced, i.e. the identified societal problems, who is affected and what are the repercussions on society.

Environmental Awareness: Understanding the importance of maintaining clean natural spaces and the impact of pollution on ecosystems and water quality. Cultural Heritage Preservation: Gaining knowledge about the historical significance of the Nahr el-Kalb site, including the importance of preserving cultural monuments and heritage sites. Waste Management Techniques: Learning effective methods for sorting and managing waste, including recycling practices and reducing waste generation. Community Engagement: Developing skills in community mobilization, teamwork, and collaboration by working with a diverse group of peers and local organizations. Leadership and Responsibility: Enhancing leadership abilities and a sense of responsibility through active participation in planning, executing, and reporting on the cleanup activities. Safety and First Aid Awareness: Learning basic safety procedures, including using personal protective equipment (PPE) and basic first aid in outdoor settings. Communication Skills: Improving communication skills through interactions with other volunteers, staff, and local community members during awareness sessions and guided tours. Advocacy and Public Speaking: Gaining experience in advocacy for environmental conservation and cultural heritage through discussions and awareness-raising activities. Data Collection and Reporting: Acquiring knowledge in data collection, environmental monitoring, and impact measurement techniques, such as quantifying waste collected and gathering participant feedback. Networking Opportunities: Building networks with like-minded individuals, NGOs, and organizations passionate about environmental and cultural heritage preservation.

Opportunity requirements
Explain the solution offered by the opportunity and how it will address the challenges mentioned in the previous section.

Age: Must be between 15-29 years old. Physical Fitness: Ability to participate in outdoor activities and walk along the riverbanks. Interest in Environmental and Cultural Issues: A passion for environmental conservation and cultural heritage preservation. Availability: Must be available for the entire duration of the event on the scheduled date. Willingness to Learn: Openness to participating in educational and awareness sessions. Teamwork: Ability to work collaboratively with diverse volunteers and local organizations. Responsible Behavior: Commitment to follow safety guidelines and instructions provided by organizers. Commitment to Waste Management Practices: Willingness to actively organise, collect, and manage waste during the cleanup activity.

Volunteering Opportunity Plan
It includes an explanation of the activities and steps necessary to implement the opportunity, with an explanation of the time periods and costs for each activity and for the entire opportunity, as providing this information accurately reflects the professionalism of those in charge of the opportunity and their experience in the field of community work.

The event aims to engage youth in environmental cleanup and cultural heritage preservation activities at the Nahr el-Kalb site. Activity Timeline: 8:00 - 8:30 AM: Gathering and Registration Tasks: Volunteers gather at central meeting points, board buses to Nahr el-Kalb, and complete registration upon arrival. Applicant Responsibilities: Applicants must arrive on time at the designated pickup points, sign in, and receive their PPE kits (gloves, bags, etc.). Provided: Transportation to and from the site (if needed), registration materials, and PPE kits. 8:30 - 9:00 AM: Awareness Session and Guided Tour Tasks: Participants will attend an awareness session about the site's environmental and cultural significance. Following this, they will be guided on a tour of the commemorative stelae. Applicant Responsibilities: Actively participated in the awareness session and guided tour. Provided: Educational materials and refreshments. 9:00 - 9:30 AM: Briefing on Safety Measures and Kit Distribution Tasks: Safety briefing on the proper use of PPE, waste collection protocols, and emergency procedures. Applicant Responsibilities: Pay attention to the safety guidelines and procedures and prepare for the cleanup. Provided: Safety gear and equipment, additional instructions, and guidance. 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Cleanup Activity Tasks: Volunteers collect litter, sort recyclable and non-recyclable waste, and ensure proper waste management along the riverbanks. Applicant Responsibilities: Follow instructions to collect and sort waste, adhere to safety protocols, and work collaboratively with peers and staff. Provided: Additional waste bags, waste bins, and assistance from staff. Logistics and Support Provided: Meals: Refreshments will be provided to all volunteers. Safety Measures: All participants will be distributed personal protective equipment (PPE), and first aid kits will be available on-site. Supervision and Guidance: Experienced staff and coordinators will be present throughout the event to guide volunteers and ensure safety. Additional Notes: Punctuality: Volunteers are expected to arrive at the meeting points on time and adhere to the scheduled activities. Communication: Volunteers will be grouped and assigned team leaders for efficient communication and task coordination. Follow-Up: Participants will be encouraged to stay engaged in future opportunities and community activities through the "Nahno Volunteers" platform.

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