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Your account is under review, it will be active in 48 Hr
Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people registered in the following regions
Sorry, this opportunity is only available to people with a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 29 years
sorting clothes 3
عذرا, هذه الفرصة متاحة فقط لمتطوعي Anera اذا كنتم أحد المتطوعين المنتسبين لهم, الرجاء الاستمرار في الخطوات التالية:
Minimum Age
Maximum age
Prepare/respond in case of emergency
Focus area
Transportation is not available
- Opportunity
- Comments
- Followers
Time Managemenet, speed, critical thinking and team work
Volunteers will first be gathered for a short briefing to explain the sorting process and dicide the tasks. Volunteers will divide clothes into two main categories: Boys/Men's Clothes and Girls/Women's Clothes. After separating by gender, the volunteers will sort the clothes by the following age ranges: Children (e.g., 0-12 years), Teens (e.g., 13-18 years), and Adults (18+ years). Then each bag will be labeled clearly based on the sorting done. It is important to record the number of bags and their contents for each category (e.g., "10 bags of Boys 0-12 years clothes").