منصة نحنُ متطوعون/ات : ihab kbar

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ihab kbar

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You started following Kids’ Activity Champions
Kids’ Activity Champions
You started following Christmas Market Support Squad
Christmas Market Support Squad
You started following Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day
Nahr el Kalb Cleanup and Heritage Preservation Day
You started following International Youth Day 2024 Round Table: Uncertanity and Well Being Through Volunteering in Times of Instability
International Youth Day 2024 Round Table: Uncertanity and Well Being Through Volunteering in Times of Instability
You started following International Youth Day 2024 Round Table: Uncertainty and Well Being Through Volunteering in Times of Instability
International Youth Day 2024 Round Table: Uncertainty and Well Being Through Volunteering in Times of Instability
You started following The 8th National gathering for Caritas Lebanon Youth
The 8th National gathering for Caritas Lebanon Youth
You started following Protecting Lebanon's Forest from fire 2024
Protecting Lebanon's Forest from fire 2024
You started following Beautification Event
Beautification Event
You started following Plantation Event in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve
Plantation Event in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve
You started following Assistance in designing, drafting and preparing media news materials
Assistance in designing, drafting and preparing media news materials
You started following Providing assistance in the maintenance of hardware and information technology network at the division of Statistics an Informatics
Providing assistance in the maintenance of hardware and information technology network at the division of Statistics an Informatics
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Administrative Affairs
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Administrative Affairs
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Child Protection
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Child Protection
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Social Care
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Social Care
You started following World Heart Day Baalbak Hermel
World Heart Day Baalbak Hermel
You started following Ambassadorship Program
Ambassadorship Program
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format and Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Associations and Public Benefit Organizations
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format and Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Associations and Public Benefit Organizations
You started following File archiving and Entering and documenting information in various files at the Division of Joint Projects
File archiving and Entering and documenting information in various files at the Division of Joint Projects
You started following Entering, organizing, and documenting information and Registering data for newly established associations at the Division of non governmental and Voluntary Organizations
Entering, organizing, and documenting information and Registering data for newly established associations at the Division of non governmental and Voluntary Organizations
You started following File archiving and organization at the Division of Family Affairs
File archiving and organization at the Division of Family Affairs

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