منصة نحنُ متطوعون/ات : Asia Alaraj

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Asia Alaraj

Volunteered with
Lebanese University-LU
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Searching for opportunities

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You started following My Health is My Right
My Health is My Right
You started following Together for a better environment
Together for a better environment
You started following The Initiative of Goodness and Joy
The Initiative of Goodness and Joy
You started following Our summer is giving
Our summer is giving
You started following volunteering opportunity
volunteering opportunity
You started following Waste Management and Recycling Initiative in Shelter Venues Mount Lebanon
Waste Management and Recycling Initiative in Shelter Venues Mount Lebanon
You started following Lebanon is Bleeding
Lebanon is Bleeding
You started following sorting clothes 4
sorting clothes 4
You started following Ambassadorship Program
Ambassadorship Program
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format and Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Associations and Public Benefit Organizations
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format and Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Associations and Public Benefit Organizations
You started following File archiving and Entering and documenting information in various files at the Division of Joint Projects
File archiving and Entering and documenting information in various files at the Division of Joint Projects
You started following File archiving and organization at the Division of Women's Affairs
File archiving and organization at the Division of Women's Affairs
You started following File archiving and Entering private information and data into the computer at the Division of Volunteering
File archiving and Entering private information and data into the computer at the Division of Volunteering
You started following Awareness Session about Chronic Diseases Al Rahma Medical Center
Awareness Session about Chronic Diseases Al Rahma Medical Center
You started following Awareness Session about Chronic Diseases Kfarremen Charitable Dispensary
Awareness Session about Chronic Diseases Kfarremen Charitable Dispensary
You started following A day at Recycling Donations Facility
A day at Recycling Donations Facility
You started following Rally Paper
Rally Paper
You started following Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Social Care
Archiving and organizing documents and files in paper format Data entry into the computer system at the Division of Social Care
You started following Beautification Event
Beautification Event
You started following My Health, My Right
My Health, My Right

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Michel Daher Foundation is a local Lebanese NGO …
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المساعدة في تنظيم الملفات وتوثيقها وفقاً لكلّ ملف ذات صلة…
المساعدة في أرشفة الملفات وتنظيمها في ملفات خاصة تلك التي…
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ستتاح للمتطوعين/ات الفرصة لتقديم جلسة توعية حول الأمراض…
Anera, UNDP, and UNV are working on a joint volunteering day at the facility of Recyler Donations, a youth-led…
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النشاط عبارة عن تنظيف شاطئ منطقة الزوق. …
انضم الينا في نشاط بيئي اجتماعي متميز ،فيه العديد من الفقرات…
الاحتفال باليوم العالمي للبيئة من خلال تنظيف حديقة عامة…
في عيد الأضحى 2024، تتكاتف جمعية الوعي والمواساة الخيرية…
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SIDC تبحث عن متطوع دقيق لمساعدتنا في مشاريعنا الجارية. سيكون…
نحن نبحث عن شباب/ت متحمسين يتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 و 35 سنة…
يتعرض لبنان في الساعات الاخيرة بصورة متزايدة لعدوان اسرائلي…
سيساعد المتطوعون في فرز الملابس للأولاد/الرجال…